Non-Disney Villain Wiki

Group: Mutant - Level: Ultimate - Type: Virus - Attack Techniques: Junk Chucker, Dirty SaucerThe Garbagemon are minions of Puppetmon, the Dark Master of the digital forest. They are armed with cannons of some form, which fire sludge. In the original Japanese version, what is referred to as 'sludge' in the American version is most evidently faeces. The trash cans that they ride around in apparently have some form of vacuum capabilities. When the kids escaped Puppetmon's wrath for the first time, he pursued them into the forest, and, while Matt was separated from them, had the Garbagemon attack them. The kids' Champion Digimon destroyed three, but three more showed up. Lillymon destroyed one, and MetalGreymon used his Giga Blaster attack to take out another. The remaining one was destroyed by MetalGarurumon.The Garbagemon appear in "Trash Day."Name: From the word "garbage."
